Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Reader Agreement 2014

Hi, Reader. Thanks for dropping by the blog.

I just updated my Publishing Strategy (posted yesterday). Maybe you're curious about what it means for you? This might help:

1. I don't expect you to read my books.
If you do, thank you. If you read more than one, thank you multiple times. I feel I have to say this though because I meet people at events, and they seem like they're not into romance novels, but they still compulsively tell me that they'll read my books.

How about this: Thank you, but you don't have to. If it's really not your thing. Authors want to be read, but deep down they probably don't want to be the assigned novel that everyone is dreading.

2. You are not required to do anything for me.
I will write and publish books as long as I have stories to write and publish. Even if no one buys them. I'm serious. (That sounds like a threat haha!)

Yes I may ask you to read, buy, recommend, or whatever, but you don't have to. No pressure. You don't owe me anything, and I think the best way for this relationship (between author and reader) to work is when we're both in it because you like reading my stuff, and I like writing it.

3. I will try my best to give you the reading experience you want, but I'm also a busy gal.
I'm a reader too and I understand that you like paper/will not read an ebook/don't have iOS/don't want to download a new app/don't have a credit card/prefer to buy from a bookstore/[add preference here]. I'm doing my best to make my books available in digital and print, on various platforms if digital, accepting all the payment systems available to you, or free even. But I can't be everywhere doing everything at once.

If you want to read my book, but can't, because it's not available where and how you want it -- email me? Let me know? I can probably put together a quick solution for you. Or bump it up my to-do list.

Are we good? You OK with all of this? Thank you. :)

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